Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cereal... Oh, and Some Pie!

I couldn't not share this with you all today.  As long as I can remember, if there is pie in the house, my pop is eating it for breakfast.  And not just by itself (that would be silly), but on top of cereal with some cut up fruit, of course!  How this came about... I'm not sure if he even knows, but he says it works and it has become a true staple in the household.  Who knows, maybe he has started a new trend here.  My dad has never been one to really "know his way around the kitchen", but I can say for sure that he's definitely one of the most creative in the kitchen. 


  1. Love love love this!

  2. I'm kind of speechless here. I've never seen pie in milk with fruit and cereal. Your pop has quite the tastebuds. Thanks for sharing!

    1. My dad grew up mixing together all the food on his plate into one pile. It helped him disguise the broccoli and brussel sprouts he didn't like to eat. So, I suppose it just stuck with him. He says, it all goes into the same place anyway, so what does it matter?! I on the other hand like to eat everything separately so I can enjoy the individual taste of each one. But I guess the world would be boring if we all did the same thing. :)

  3. This is too funny! Who doesn't love pie for breakfast? But, the cereal addition is quite creative :)

  4. this looks like a great breakfast! pie and cheerios, lets make this the new breakfast of champions!
